This Friday (the 28th) will be five years of marriage for me and my sweetie. We've been talking about doing something special for quite a while, and in December, it was decided that TJ would take charge of this momentous occasion. He started planning right away! He teased me in early February, telling me that he already knew what we were going to do. He was very open about the fact that he was planning something, but would give me no clues! In fact one Saturday, about a month ago, TJ asked me to go upstairs and keep myself busy for two hours....two hours!!! What the heck! So, I did and he made all kinds of arrangements while I was giving myself a pedicure :). With all this hype and knowing how long I had to wait to find out, I was becoming quite anxious to find out! I soon found out that EVERYBODY I knew had already found out about the trip and would just grin and laugh at me whenever I would talk about it. Some pretended that they didn't know anything....(Janelle ;), others were perfectly happy to be in the know, and to leave me in the dark. I'm not the type a person who likes to find out about surprises before they are I didn't try to pry with those who knew, and didn't look at TJ's email, even though he left it open on his computer ALL the time. As our anniversary got closer, TJ started to offer up little morsels of information. He told me one Sunday about three weeks ago, that a FedEx package was expected for tuesday, but I was not to look outside or answer the door. It happened to be on my teaching day, so I had to ask my student to pick it up and hide it! I coudn't believe all that my sweetie was going through to get this trip together (major brownie points earned for this by the way). Then, when coming home from a Jazz game a few weeks ago, TJ tells me that I need to go shopping for some clothes...but he was sooo vague! He told me that the climate was similar to Utah's...that's it! So at this point I knew that we were going on a trip, and that I needed some clothes, and that the climate was similar to Utah's. That's it! I didn't know how long we would be gone, when we were leaving, and girls, lets face it, how many of you would trust your husbands judgement about what you should wear....I was just supposed to 'trust' TJ about what to wear...I don't think so, sorry sweetie ;)!! A couple of weeks ago, I was on TJ's computer browsing the internet and found "New York Yankees tickets" in the browser as I was typing in another address...nooo, not New way...that would be AWESOME, but he wouldn't...would he?! So I asked Tj a couple days later when baseball season started. He said not until May (a diversion). Then, a few days after that my sister was up to take my kids to my parents and I happened to walk in on them after they had just finished talking about the anniversary. They were both gushing about how fun it was going to be and that they could hardly wait for me to find out. Just then TJ starts singing-opera style- NEW YORK!!! At that point I was thinking, it HAD to be New we all just stood their awkwardly, like that didn't just happen. I called my mom shortly after and told her about the New York Yankees Tickets, TJ's New York singing outburst and told her I thought we were going to New York for our anniversary. She just laughed and didn't give me any clues either way. My mom even told TJ that I had guessed and he called me on it. I felt kinda bad, because I wasn't searching for it, it kinda just fell in my lap. But he did a REALLY good job of throwing me off the trail. He had me convinced that this was NOT where we were going. TJ's original plan was to tell me the DAY OF, about our trip, so last week I started getting really nervous. I was doing laundry every day, so that I would be prepared, and was trying extra hard to keep the house clean so that I wouldn't be stressed while we were gone. So me sweetie had mercy on my cute little soul. So on Thursday at about 10:30 (
during the jazz game), he came upstairs and told me to close my eyes. He went into our room and closed the door. I could hear muffled thumps, some kind of rattling noise, and heard him set up his ipod on my klipsch (ipod dock)...Now I was really nervous! He came to get me and all I could think about was if we were going to leave first thing in the morning consequently would I be up all night packing! This was on top of three months of anticipation! So I went into our room and this is what I saw:

When I saw this I wasn't sure if this was him telling me about the trip, or if he was just being cute with surprising me with an Easter Basket. It was the first one. He told me to open all of the eggs. As I opened the first one and found "York" candies, he turned on the Ipod to "New York, New York," by Frank Sinatra! This song not only let me know that we were for sure going to New York, this song is mine and TJ's song! YAHOOOOOO! NEW YORK!!!!!!!!!!!! I was SO excited! I immediately knew that the Lion in the basket was for the Broadway Show "The Lion King." I dug deeper into the basket and found tickets to the New York this point I just started bawling...the NY Phil! This was huge. Then I found Yankees tickets...I guess baseball starts earlier than May...

Anyway, so we leave to go on this FANTASTIC trip this Week and I couldn't be more excited! I'm going to fill my luggage with as many 'knock-off' bags as I can!!!
What a cute husband! And what an amazing trip to celebrate 5 years! You will love NY!
That is the absolute cutest! BIG points to TJ for putting in so much work and planning such a great trip... and for trying so hard to keep it a surprise. It's too cute! I hope you guys have so much fun. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!
What a stud!!! That will be a trip that you will never forget. I think that he is so thoughtful that he went through all of that work to make sure you were happily surprised. And I love that he bought tickets to such amazing things. You definitely have a keeper! And a huge congratulations on celebrating your 5th anniversary!
AWESOME! Major brownie points for TJ! Our 5 year is next year...and Kelly hinted around about going to Hawaii. I hope he means it! :)
Linds, I just went to New York for a day really, I went to Philly but I want to go back and stay forever. I love big cities, I feel energized and part of the world. I would highly suggest paying the money to go to the top of the Empire State Building, it was worth every cent. Good Luck, have so so so much fun. PS Good Work TJ. Very Impressive.
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