This past Sunday, a friend of mine asked me, "How are you handling two kids?" I told her fine, things were harder in the beginning, but things were more normal (?) now. The question she asked me has been marinating in my head all week and I realize now that life with two kids can be a little difficult now and then, but mostly I have a hard time balancing quality time with each of my kids. Right now, Cam demands more attention because of his age, but I'm starting to realize that the time I had with Drew alone was priceless. I feel sad that I don't have that kind of experience with my little Cam. I find myself trying to distract Drew so that I can spend some one-on-one time with Cameron. I feel guilty though! Do any of you moms with multiple children feel like this? I imagine that I'm not the only one....Anyway, I'm trying harder now to take advantage of anytime I have with either of my children, in hopes that we can foster deep, trusting and loving relationships. I love my kids more and more everyday...I know that everybody says that, but it's TRUE isn't it!? I feel so lucky to have my little people in my life, even when things are hard. Here are some pic's I took of my boys this week....Enjoy!

That was a good post. I must admit that sometimes I do get a little bummed that Hannah is siblingless (that word is wrong in every way..ha, ha)but I also know one day when my house is full of kids I'll miss those quiet days. Thanks for the reminder! Hey, do you wanna do lunch next week?
Hey! I'm so sorry about the delay on my part to get back to you. I have been slacking in the blog department lately. It is so good to hear from you and see your cute family!! I will definitely keep checking your blog!!
It's absolutely true..I love my kids more and more too...even sometimes things are not easy when they are growing up!
Wonderful photos of your gorgeous and very cute kids.
coming here from weedsandwildflowers to say is great and your children are darling...i raised two girls and you always feel that you should do more but you know what they do fine...just remember to take time for yourself too!!
dewnie from boston...
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