Then we drove to a home in Roy with lights that were set to music. We sat outside and listened to music on their was sooooo cool!
Christmas eve was amazing! We had a dinner with TJ's family. It was my first time to every make an entire Holiday Spread and I really enjoyed it. Thanks to the Stevens/Stephens fam for letting me experiment! We spent the night eating, opening gifts and singing songs...TJ tried anyway (luv luv sweetie) while reading the Luke 2 account of Christ's birth. After the boys went to bed, TJ and Grandpa (a.k.a. Santa and his helper) put together the train table while Grandma Miller, Karen, Jill, Mitch and myself played a game called curses. It's kind of a hard game to explain, but it was such a blast!!
On Christmas Day, TJ and I got to wake up in our own little bed with our own little family! We actually woke up before our kids (?)! So I ran downstairs to get the first looks on camera. We thought Drew would be more stoked to see the train table...he loves it now, we were..a...I mean Santa...was looking for a little more excitement! Drew opened a present from me and Teej...a HUGE hummer! Both boys enjoyed their stockings and the other presents they received.
I opened my presents before TJ. He handed me a small rectangular gift (there was no way a Nikon d40x fit in there!), but guess what! It was one of the lenses to
a Nikon the other box had to be the camera! It was. I just sat there and bawled. I had wanted it so bad and was led to think that I wasn't getting it! My dad, actually was able to cash in some credit card points to get it for me. I'll never be able to thank him enough...he has NO idea how much it meant to me! He is so incredible. Thanks dad, I love you! TJ got some great presents this year! He got tickets to TWO Jazz games...and lift tickets, because he has been dying to go skiing! He also got giftcards to buy/rent ski gear. The rest of Christmas day was just AMAZING! We went to my parents around 11 am on Christmas morning. We exchanged gifts there and then went to Grandma Childs. It was fun to see my two uncles and there families as well as my cute little Grandma! We came back to my parents later that afternoon and while the boys slept, we read, slept, played with the new Wii (Oh, did I mention that "Santa" brought a Wii as a family gift to my parents....) and cooked some fun finger foods for dinner. We spent the rest of the night working on a puzzle and just goofing around and enjoying each others company. We are so blessed! I just love this life and really have strong desire to accomplish and to experience as much as I possibly can!