Hello all! It has been about a week since my last entry, so I thought I'd give an update, plus I have some cool pictures. It has been a busy week here at the Stevens home. TJ ended up leaving Destination homes a week earlier than planned and so it was full speed ahead with the new business. He was gone just about every morning and night getting stuff done. He also had singing practices for a performance he had last night for our Stake Christmas party. As for me, I have had all kinds of crafty
projects building up and this was the week that I finished them...I won't bore you with all the little things that I did, but the one thing that I will tell you about is my advent calendar. I saw this idea on Ali Edwards' blog. She got the idea from Martha Stewarts kids. Anyway, it took a LOT of work, it may not look like it, but between painting 24 boxes, an uncooperative photoshop program and two kids, it took me about four days to finish this! It was worth it though. The boxes look SO cute on the wall! I love being crafty!!
Last weekend (Thanksgiving), my husbands family got together for the Holiday. Half of his siblings live out of state, so to have everybody together was awesome. We had a lot of fun eating (of course, duh, its the Stevens), playing ping-pong and living inside the Steph-coined phrase the "Stevens Family Musical." Little explanation there, my husbands family has been singing together for a long time, and so when ever they feel the urge, they will burst into song. This happens more frequently when they are all together ;). They sound good and they are all talented, so it is kinda cool to listen to. So, here are the pictures I promised: The first two are of the before and after of my advent boxes, and the rest are our Thanksgiving pictures...ENJOY!
Yea! Great pictures, and cute boxes! You are so crafty, and I'm so jealous :) I like the comments about the "Stevens family musical" - it's so true!
Um, WOW! I love those boxes! I have to come over and see them in person!
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