This past week has been BLISS with my two little boys. Before that though, life wasn't always so wonderful. I've had a hard time with Drew-he's really argumentative, and Cam-just his getting into everything. I was having a hard time enjoying my kids and the hard (but cute) stages they would go through. I've actually been having a hard time since Cam was about 3-4 months old. I've also put off having bebe no. 3 because of my own feelings of insecurity of being a good mom. So, after having Love and Logic recommended to me by more than 1 person, I ordered the book. I have read through the basic principles (I haven't finished it yet) and already have started to implement the parenting style that is taught. I have noticed such a difference. My kids have been wonderful yes, but I've noticed a bigger difference in myself. I have learned SO much about myself, how to be a better mom and I'm really happy right now. I feel now, that I can really enjoy these two sweet boys that I am lucky enough to have in my life. So, thank you Love and Logic, for helping me :)
I love you Lindsay Bear!
Yay! I have the book myself but haven't read it yet. Does that mean baby #3 will be on its way soon??
Sounds like a book we all should own. I've actually never heard of it but I'm going to get my hands on it as soon as I can! Thank you for the post, Linds. I've been going through a bit of that lately too! You have two of the most adorable, captivating little boys I've ever seen. Lucky you :)
Okay, that says Mat Shaw posted the comment, but it was me, Brooke!
sounds like a great book. I think every mom could benefit from it! I will have to read it. I think we all feel inadequate at times, but you are a great mom! I can just tell by the way you talk about your family and care so much about your kids!
linds... you are an awesome mom!!! I will have to get that book, I think feeling the way you do comes with the territory. A huge task is placed in front of us, with little room for error. I have been thinking about you lately... hope all is well up there
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