Last week we experienced a big new thing with Drew. He played in his first EVER soccer game! It was really fun. This week we are embarking on a new adventure. Reading. Drew brought a little book home from Pre-School a few days a go. We are in full homework mode! It is getting me excited for him to go to Kindergarten! Anyway, this book that Drew brought home to read is pretty basic. The book teaches two word endings-am & en and four new words-I, am, and & the. He had a hard time the first couple of times through (I was surprisingly patient...I know, take a moment, gather yourselves). As we have read it through more and more, he is getting better. I have found though, through teaching him these new words, that he has a certain way of saying things. He kind of has Utah talk. You know, moun'in (mountain) Lay'in (layton), etc. Instead of "and" he says "an," "da" for "the," then there's "at" for "that." Then there's my fav: Ith...which is supposed to be "if." It's been so, SO funny to see him realize that what he's been saying is wrong. I love this new journey though! I LOVE to read, so I'm excited to help him learn. I hope he loves it too (I'm worried he won't though....TJ HATES reading!).

I need to get my hands on whatever book that is that he brought home from pre-school. That is so cute that he's learning how to read! I want to join in on the fun!!
Nice photo of you LInds...when did you start wearing glasses?
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