Thursday, March 19, 2009

How a haircut will save your life....

Cam got a haircut this morning, he looks so cute, all fuzzy.  I love when his hair is short.  I love it medium and long too, but there's something about a new haircut.  His ears stick out a little bit, his eyes look bigger, he looks more like a baby.  Another thing about a haircut; it can save your life.  Today, Cam was into everything, you know, just being a typical 2 year old.  Plus, he resisted for about an hour for going down for a nap, the kid is stubborn.  He was driving me crazy!  I turned around at one point to just yell at him, and I saw this beautiful light touching his cheek and his slight elf-like ears were silhouetted by the light, and my heart melted.  His big blue eyes looked up at me... but he knew I was about to lay the smack DOWN!  So, when I grabbed my Camera instead, he gave me this look.  

then this one...oh she's NOT yelling, ok turn UP the innocence. 
then this one, ok now the cuteness...

now the silliness...moment over.  Everybody's happy.

You see, if he wasn't cuter than he was say, yesterday, than I might of sold him to the first person who stopped by the corner.   Thanks to TJ for being inspired to shave that boys head...


The Mama said...

Those are just priceless pics Linds, oh so cute! I also love the last post and the "toddler talk and would love to be a visitor during your family prayers. Too cute!!

Anonymous said...

I love these photos of Cam! You're such an amazing photographer!! You need to teach me. :) Cam really looks like you in these pictures....Oh! In your 365 the photo where drew is on your bed making a funny face.... that is you! Luf Luf

Jim's Photo Blog said...

I showed penny today. A lot of oohs and awes. That kid is remarkably cute. And his mother sure knows how to record him on pixels so well.