So, there are two reasons that I haven't blogged in such a long time. First, I wanted my cute husbands post to have enough time for others to read :) and also 'cause I've been sicker than a dog! I have had a sore throat since last Saturday...that's nine days now! I have also had a horrible cough-which sounds like a dog bark-so embarrassing! Anywho, I wanted to post a couple of pictures. Last dad (the best photographer I know) and I went to take some pictures. I'd like to make a little interjection here if I could, I am SO lucky to have such cool, talented parents. I am so blessed to have the opportunity to learn great things from both of my parents. My mom is an amazing violinist, musician and teacher. She has taught me pretty much everything I know about music. My dad, is immensely talented. Everything he touches turns to gold. He is a great cook, an AMAZING photographer and I have greatly benefited from his talents. Anyway, back to my story. So, my Dad I have been trying to find time to go and take pictures together, mostly for him to teach me about photography. We went around to a few places and then decided to go to temple square. I got this shot (after adjusting a few things on my camera)!

I LOVE it!!! My Dad thought it was pretty cool too, which is saying alot, because he is INCREDIBLE! Hopefully my Dad and I can find more time to take pictures together. I had such a great time. I love being around him, he's so funny and he teaches me so much. Thanks Dad and I love you!
As you all probably know, I love digital scrapbooking and I occasionally post my "stuff" on my blog. Well, a few people have commented on how to get started and I would like to HIGHLY recommend taking an online class from Jessica Sprague. She has three classes, I am currently taking the beginning class-I really, really wanted to know how to use photoshop right and I's amazing! Each class is about 50 dollars, but think about how much a book costs, how un-fun it is to read it and how hard it is to apply it. Besides, most photoshop how-to books aren't geared towards scrappers. Anywho, if you are interested, here is the
link to her website. Here are two of the pages I have made while doing her class!