My friend Jayni tagged me! I feel like I am a pretty open person, so it's hard for me to think of things that most people don't know about me....Here goes!
1. I have some serious OCD! I have to load the dishes a VERY specific way, clothes in my closet must be organized by color, type, and all facing the same direction. I also have to have all of my drawers organized, or else I'll be up all night thinking about it!
2. I love make-up...deep, deep down, I would love to learn to be a make-up artist.
3. I play games on my ipod at night! I have about 10 games on my ipod and I have to play a game every night!! Right now, my favorite is The Sims Bowling...only because I just beat the game Zuma!
4. I love cheese...I know, I'm wierd! But, every meal I cook, usually includes at LEAST two different kinds of cheese. My fav's right now are Mzithra, brie (sp?), goat, and feta. Really, though? That is just the TIP of the iceberg!!
5. I love the show October Road right now, the writing is not very good, and it is really just a prime time Soap!
6. I love to cuddle with my kids at night when they are sleeping, Cameron is a light sleeper, but with Drew I go climb into bed with him and just kiss his little cheeks and sniff his cute.
7. I have a low noise threshold...if too many noisy toys are on and the tv is on, the kids are running, I'm busy...I'll just blow up! I think I need to work on that.
8. I'm obsessed with smells! I usually have a candle going all the time, I have some type of smelly air freshener thingy in every room, I LOVE perfume, lotions, yummy lip glosses. Sorry, If I've ever overwhelmed any of you!
9. I HATE cleaning, but I LOVE the feeling of a clean house, I have just learned to "buck up" and do it anyway!
10. I love lists! I make a to do list every night with all the hopes in the WORLD of getting everything done! I just love to accomplish things and check things off!
There, that HONESTLY took me like a half an hour. Like I said before, I feel like you all know ALOT about me! Well, hopefully you learned something new today (thats for you Jayni!)
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
President Gordon B. Hinckley
I'm sure you have all heard of the passing President Hinckley. The last time a prophet died was in 1995-thirteen years ago! I has been a long time since we had to grieve for a Prophet. I expected to feel more sadness, but I really feel happy for him, because now he is with his wife. President Hinckley was such a great leader of the church-he had such great enthusiasm and drew everybody in. I'm so grateful for the things he accomplished in his years as the Prophet. He will be so greatly missed! Here is a great link to Jessica Sprague's blog. She, very eloquently, wrote of her feelings on our beloved Prophet. She was able to write more of what I feel and am unable to communicate.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Old School Challenge!

Ok, I'm obsessed. I'll admit it! I love scrapbooking...especially digital! Its awesome! I have completed another project. I love to do the "challenges" at the Meadows. They usually give out fun participation prizes, I get to see other pages for inspiration and I get to extend it gives me a reason to create a layout. And, if my page gets chosen as the winner, I get a gift certificate to their store. Cool huh? Well, without further ado, here is my newest page. The photo was taken by my dad when we went to Heber to ride on the Polar Express (a.k.a. Heber Creeper) in December, and he has given me permission to use it in my scrapbooking. Credits: WW shabby fall garden kit, A Wildflower Holiday Kit and Doodling days alpha; Shabby Princess 'Twas the Night Kit; font: sandals.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Happy Birthday Cam!!!
My little Cam turned one this last Saturday! I can't believe how fast this year has flown by. I can remember so clearly, the days leading up to his birth and the days after. I can't believe its already been a year...He is such a joy in our family. He is so sweet, fun and ADORABLE! He is my little destroying angel right now. He is walking now and loves to climb stairs. He also loves to pull all of my CD's out of their shelf, open any drawer or cupboard that he can! It is so cute, yet frustrating at the same time. He can wave bye, and says uh-oh. I'm so grateful for my little blonde boy. He makes me so happy....
We celebrated Cam's birthday on Sunday the 13th with both of our families. We had Lasagna, green salad, and garlic bread for
Dinner and I made a mint and oreo ice-cream cake for Cam's birthday cake (p.s. thanks for the inspiration Jill!!). We opened presents and had a great time visiting. Here are some pictures!

My little Cam turned one this last Saturday! I can't believe how fast this year has flown by. I can remember so clearly, the days leading up to his birth and the days after. I can't believe its already been a year...He is such a joy in our family. He is so sweet, fun and ADORABLE! He is my little destroying angel right now. He is walking now and loves to climb stairs. He also loves to pull all of my CD's out of their shelf, open any drawer or cupboard that he can! It is so cute, yet frustrating at the same time. He can wave bye, and says uh-oh. I'm so grateful for my little blonde boy. He makes me so happy....
We celebrated Cam's birthday on Sunday the 13th with both of our families. We had Lasagna, green salad, and garlic bread for
Dinner and I made a mint and oreo ice-cream cake for Cam's birthday cake (p.s. thanks for the inspiration Jill!!). We opened presents and had a great time visiting. Here are some pictures!
Monday, January 14, 2008
First Photo....

So, after getting my AMAZING new camera for Christmas, I took literally hundreds of pictures and I chose this one to scrapbook first....I just love the look on Drew's face! I just love his bright eyes and sweet smile...I love my boy! Credits go to WW...shabby fall garden papers, wire and alpha; coutoure stitching,
and photo mask by Rhonna Farrer.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Miss America Reality Check....
Hey all! I hope you all watched TLC's Miss America Reality Check last night. It was awesome (we actually tivo'd it and watched it this morning)! My sister-in-law Jill is Miss Utah. She was so awesome last night..this know what I mean. The reality show is airing every Friday night until the Miss America Pageant on the 26th. If you go to TLC's website you can vote (vote for Jill, vote for Jill, vote for Jill....). I also found a out take/confessional movie. Check it out. Also, here is her website for her representation of the Army.
Hey all! I hope you all watched TLC's Miss America Reality Check last night. It was awesome (we actually tivo'd it and watched it this morning)! My sister-in-law Jill is Miss Utah. She was so awesome last night..this know what I mean. The reality show is airing every Friday night until the Miss America Pageant on the 26th. If you go to TLC's website you can vote (vote for Jill, vote for Jill, vote for Jill....). I also found a out take/confessional movie. Check it out. Also, here is her website for her representation of the Army.
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