What is it about boys that they feel the need to shoot stuff, slice and dice, and generally cause mass destruction? My mom gave me the Toys R' Us big toy magazine a couple of days ago and I told Drew we could go through it and he could circle what he would like for Christmas. Well, he wants a gun, a sword, a Ultimate Fighting set with fighting figurines. To name a few... So, me being the mom wondering why boys are like this asked Drew, "bud, what is it that you like about guns and swords?" He said, "Because swords make blood come out and guns blow stuff up." Ok, maybe I'm just being too dramatic but WWHAAATTTT?!??!!!!!!!!!!!! We don't watch violent stuff at our house. They watch disney movies, Thomas the Train and Bob the builder and Living Scriptures. Where did I go wrong? So, I told Drew that I don't know if it's a good idea to have guns and swords in the house if that's what he likes about them. I told him even pretending to hurt or kill somebody is not a good idea. I know he's only 5, and he's a boy. I certainly don't want him playing with barbies or dolls or something, but COME ON! Should I get him the gun, figuring that it's just going to happen someday anyway? Or should I find alternate ways for him to have fun. I'm for plan "B" but was hoping any other ideas that find their way into my comments either help me cement my decision or just tell me to calm down and stop being so dramatic...Mom's of boys.... HELP!!!!!
Okay, okay. I'm going to admit to you right now that I bought two red-lined swords for Easton and his dad to play with at the Target after-Halloween sale last week. I really didn't even give it second thought because I've watched them play swords with anything and everything imaginable: straws, K'NEX, make-up brushes,sticks, etc. ...And watched them have tons of fun together. I guess I just thought that's what boys do. I remember my brother, Eric, loving swords when we were young.
I appreciate your views on the whole weapon subject, however. It encouraged me to be careful and watch closely as to how my boys are playing together in the future. I love you, Linds, for being such a concerned mom with so much decency. Your boys are going to grow up to be wonderful young men. Tell Drew I'll be in charge of getting he and Savanna's first date set up! ;)
P.S. I've never seen a better picture of Drew than that one!! Actually, it's a good tie for me with the one that was taken of him in that orange striped sweater when he was two. I really, really love that picture of him! You are amazing. Great work!!
Actually, I think I can probably imagine a small part of how you felt when he told you he wanted guns and swords. I used to feel like that every time Savanna wanted a "Bratz" doll. I really don't like those stupid dolls! And no, she has never and will never have one. Nor does she even want one anymore. So stick to what you feel is right as the mother to those boys and you will never go wrong.
Thought you might find this article interesting. :)
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