Yesterday was Drew's and TJ's birthday. My boy turned 5 and TJ is one year away from the big 3-0. I'm trying not to think about what will happen in three's too hard to talk about and I'm not sure I like it at all. Don't ask. All of you with kids who are 5 and are embarking on this...ahem...journey, you know what I mean. It really just hit me today. But I digress. It was really a good day. TJ had taken the boys camping and then when they got back TJ, my dad and my brother got to work on TJ's part of the day: installing a new toilet and a hose bib in the back yard. He's really easy to please....sometimes. My mom and I in the meantime, made cupcakes, played with boys, mopped up pee-puddles (Cam's potty training!!). I'm really grateful for these two special people in my life. TJ is an amazing husband and dad, and I love him for all the things he does for our family, the sacrifices he makes, how hard he works. He's a great example for me and both of the boys, and I couldn't be happier about that. Drew is my little sweetheart and truly one of my best friends. I love this boys to pieces and am so happy he's my son and in our family. I love his sense of humor, his imagination. I love how tenderhearted he is, but how independent and fearless he is. He's a good big brother to Cam and is a wonderful boy. I love you TJ and Drew, Happy Birthday!!

You'll have to excuse the picture quality in most of these, they're quite grainy. I won't go into what happened, suffice it to say, that whenever I have to take photos for an important family occasion, my camera and I both suffer from some kind of stage-fright.

I found a recipe for the coolest cupcakes a while back and have been waiting to bake them for a special occasion. Drew LOVES cupcakes, so I figured it was a good time. They're a little time consuming to make, but totally worth it. They were really fun. My mom and I made them, while the boys, i.e. TJ, my dad, brother and the little boys worked on all of the projects.

So pritty.

I can't believe my little boy is 5...I'm not too fond of this whole growing up thing... ;)

Are these the coolest cupcakes or what?!? You can find the recipe HERE.

A little photo-op before the present opening hoopla. P.S. I don't always let Cam go around in his under-roos, but since he's potty-training right now. For those of you that have come to my door and he runs up naked, I'm sorry and for the Koster family, who probably sees him running around naked in the backyard way to much, I'm also sorry.

Drew had NO. ID-EA. that we were getting a Wii. These photos say it all....

I got Cam a present so that he wouldn't feel left out. I won't do this for every birthday fact, I should have never started it!!!

Seriously, look at those lashes...I'm so jealous!!

Drew loves the Magic Treehouse books, and between my mom and myself he got 10 for his birthday. Cam was loving all the present action, he wanted to be in the middle of it all, just like Drew was.

TJ already knew what he was getting, but acted surprised for Drew and Cam's sake....and in true TJ fashion, exaggerated it.

TJ was SOO excited to get guitar hero....even though he already knew he was getting it. Like he'd let me spend that kind of money without the go ahead!!

I can't believe my little boy is 5...I'm not too fond of this whole growing up thing... ;)
How fun your boys get to celebrate together! Happy Birthday!
Looks like both boys had a great birthday! I can't believe you have a 5 year old! Love all the cute pictures :)
Awesome!!! U need to make me some cupcakes for me! ;) cute pictures! Mandy
Oh how I miss you all! I wish you still lived down the street. MISS YOU ALL TOO MUCH!
Happy Birthday Boys! Looks like loads of fun.
Lindsay that hand in the cupcakes is soooo yours. I don't know what it is about the positioning of it all but it is totally a Lindsay hand pose!
Miss you
Oh and tell your hubba hi, we kinda miss him too ya know
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