My little Cam has been learning so many words lately. It's hard to understand him, unless you see him everyday and your used to his language...mom's you understand!? So, I thought I'd give some translations to the words he is saying...or trying to say.
Drink: (this is my favorite) a wink!
Milk: moke.
Juice: a juce, juce.
More food: a num, a num.
Snack: a nack, a nack (usually very whiney)
Monkey: a mokey, a mokey
*Note..notice how much he repeats. Very, very funny :)
Blankie: a bankie, a bankie.
Train: too toot.
Car: Bee beep.
Truck: wuck.
Tractor: Toppie
Scoop: coop.
Gross: gose.
Eww: (wrinkles nose, squints eyes and grunts) ewwwwwww.
Shirt: shuit
Hand: a han, a han.
Toes: tow.
Nose: (very nasaly) gnose (gn like nya).
Tongue: ton
Button: (as in belly button) butty.
Bath: a bat, a bat.
Daddy: a daddy, a daddy.
Mommy: mommy, a mommy.
Drew: a doo, a doo *he always asks me a doo? a doo? whenever we Drop Drew off at singing class or at Pre-school.
Elmo: emmo
Doggie: a goggie, a goggie.
Sheep: ship
Boat: a bote
House: house...I love that he knows this?
Get in the Car: a go, a go.
Piano: pano
Music: zic.
Movie: a mowie, a mowie.
Get Down: a down, a down.
Bike: a bike, a bike, a bike.
Outside: a side, a side.
Motorcycle: sookie.
Horse: moose.
Pumpkin: a puhkin, a puhkin.
How cute!!! Jenna talks but nothing audible!! I love her age, it's probably one of my favorite stages.
BTW-I loved talking to you the other day!
Ah, I love it. I think it's so cute how they learn to communicate and express what they want. And I think it's special to be the only one (aside from Daddy) who can translate what they are saying sometimes. What a cutie!
Oh my gosh! He is so dang cute! I really need to hear this language, it sounds so cute and funny!!
I learned he can also say fish. He loves ours. Get the boy a fish! :) I love this post. Toddlers learning how to talk is the best.
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