Anywho, this week really wasn't that bad...maybe I feel that way now that I've successfully vented about it :)
Here is some of the "highlights."
On Tuesday...or was it Monday...anyway, yeah Cam (bless his little blond heart) decided to break into the pantry (he can officially open doors-yes people, the round door knobs, not the levers). He brought out a FULL box of Macaroni and Cheese crackers and dumped the ENTIRE box onto the couch.
Observe exhibit A:

Cam has been trying my patience ALL week. He climbs everything (including my grand piano) and laughs when I punish him. Mom, since I'm blogging this and we're not talking face to face you can have your little laugh. I know that your are just LOVING karma right now.
Today, I decided to get the boys dressed up and try to take their pictures. I drove to a favorite site and 45 minutes later I was ready to slit my wrists. Don't be fooled by the cuteness of the following pictures. These are three of 150!! This was all I could get!!! Every time that I'd get them arranged, Cam decided to run as fast as he could in the opposite direction! And he would laugh while running, thinking that it was a game!!! So there I was running as fast as I could to get him with my camera around my neck and a lense in my hoodie pocket. I can only imagine what I looked like! And, it seems a little ironic that I'd get my kids in position, chase Cam, swat his bum, then sit and try to make them smile for a picture. Am I the biggest hypocrite EVER!?!?! ARGGGGHHHHHH!! Thank goodness Drew is a HAM, he cooperated. Good job Drew.

Last, but not least, Cam woke up with a Snotty nose this morning and so I gave him gallons (not really) of sugar-free grape kool-aid. This was the result: (his diaper literally weighed 3 lbs...yes, I weighed it, hee, hee)
Now, I call him my little Joe the Plummer. :)