Four years ago, our sweet Drew made his entrance into this world...on his Daddy's birthday. They were born 15 minutes short of being exactly 24 years apart. Only TJ could be happy to share his birthday...he has to deal with Thomas the Train cakes, buttercream frosting, and everyone forgetting about his birthday for Drew's sake. I appreciate that he lets Drew have all the glory...what an AWESOME DADDY!!

Drew, you are my sweet, special boy. You amaze me everyday...mostly with your sassy little attitude (which I love...but get frustrated with!!) and your intelligence. I love your sweet attitude, your innocence, your sweet, gentle, tender heart. I love your big, blue, expressive eyes. I'm so glad your my little boy. Happy Birthday buddy!

He is STINKIN adorable! I am so excited for tonight! Hope the party was a success!
Happy Birthday, birthday boys! I can't believe you have a 4 year old! He is so cute! Have fun celebrating!
What cute pictures, Linds!!! I love the one with Teej and Cam!
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