Cam has been learning to eat with utensils... he has done REALLY well, the times I actually let him use them, you see I have OCD, and seeing the mess that ensues after he is given a fork or a spoon is just too much. The funny thing is that he just picked it up one day and started shoveling!?! I had to teach Drew for months!

Drew took swimming lessons. He LOVED them! At one point, his teachers asked him to do circle arms (freestyle stroke) and he couldn't do it. I had one of those you-mean-my-child-doesn't-get-something-so-simple moments. I was of course, still proud of him. He wasn't afraid of jumping off the diving board and loved flying off of the slide!

We had a lot of play dates with our friends we met in Vegas-the Nielsons-and Drew got to play with his very best friend Emily. They always have such a great time together and their is NEVER any drama, it's incredible! I just love this picture of them, it really just shows what good friends they are and how much fun they have together.

I did a TON of scrapbooking. I finished Jessica Sprague's third scrapbooking and photoshop class (Digi: In Deep) and it was SOO much work, but I got so much done too! I did a whole 24 page album and I finished Cam's 1st year scrapbook (I did about 20 pages to finish it...I had NO idea I had that many pictures left to scrap when I made that goal!!).

My mom, my sister and the kids and I went to the Zoo and had a really fun time. Cam LOVED it and I think Drew liked it ok. I don't know why, but whenever we take him to a fun place like Sea World, San Diego Zoo, Disneyland, he get's into this awful mood and refuses to have fun and enjoy what we're doing. It totally bums me out!! Cam on the other hand loves everything. Kinda wierd huh? Anywho, the picture above is of Cam "moo-ing" at a Zebra, because in his world, all animals moo.

We went to Bear Lake two times this month...and LOVED every minute of it!! We had a lot of fun just hanging out together, jet-ski-ing, catching grasshoppers, working on the house, and watching the Olympics-go Phelps!!!

In all the years I've been to Bear Lake-all 28 of them-we've NEVER rented jet skis. We had a boat, and the jet-ski's are so, so expensive, but this year we decided to. It was the most fun I've ever, E-VER had in my life!!! I got some pictures of my brother Dallan, my sister Mandy and my sweetie...they all had a great time too.
Wow, look how much fun you had this summer and all that scrapbooking, that's awesome!!!! Your pictures are great, you really have an eye. I love seeing you "practice".
Those jet ski's looked like a tone of fun!!!
That was one of my favorite posts ever! Those were the cutest pictures of your kids - Kirk and I were just dying! And Teej looked like a spaz on the jet ski :)
It looks like you guys had a great summer and I absolutely love the picture of you boy and the grasshopper. You have a great talent at capturing your kids at their sweetest moments. And thanks for the Mac advice. Rob and I are about two steps away from getting one because we've heard so many good things about them.
I am so glad that you found me. I was just thinking about a week ago that I needed to ask Mandi for your blog address and I forgot. It will be so fun to be able to keep up with your cute family!
Looks like fun on the jet skis! Im jealous of any warm weather or water activity pictures... we are already in sweatshirts and jackets up here!
You are an awesome photographer. I forgot to ask you, will you give me photoshop lessons? Jake got it for me for my B-day, but I'm totally clueless. If you come over, I'll fix the kids lunch, and they can play while we play! I would love you forever...
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