Merry Christmas to me....

Our Christmas was AMAZING! We had such a great time with both of our families. We spent Christmas eve with TJ's Dad and his family up in Park city. We went up in the morning and had a great time taking family pictures, opening presents, and just catching up. That night, my family came up for dinner, games, presents and some GREAT family time. I cooked dinner-this was so exciting for me because I haven't really cooked in months!! I made a Ham, scalloped potatoes, pear and goat cheese salad, garlic carrots, rolls (my mom made the rolls :) and then we had an ice-cream bar after. After that we opened presents and then made up a plate of cookies and milk for Santa, sprinkled reindeer food for the Santa's reindeer, and watched Joy to the World and then put the kids to bed. Then all of us adults played Mexican new favorite game! I love my family so much and am SO glad they were able to come up so that we could spend time together.

The next morning, we got up and opened presents-just our little family. TJ and I LOVED seeing the looks on the kids faces when they first walked into the room! They loved going through their stockings, and opening all of their presents. My favorite was when TJ opened his blue ray player. He had NO idea that he was getting it and I loved seeing how excited he was ;)

After opening all of our presents we went over to TJ's mom's house and had opened more presents and had a yummy breakfast. TJ's family is SO much fun to be around! It was so much fun to hang out with all of them!
While TJ and his fam went to an afternoon movie, I took the kids to my Grandma's house to visit. It has been a tradition for as long as I can remember to go up to my Grandma's and this is the last year she is having everybody over. It was great to see my uncles and cousins-people I don't see often enough!
After visiting my Grandmas, we came home and and played games and hung out with my hubby's fam. We played a game called Curses and it was HILARIOUS!!! Thanks for a great day guys!

Last but NOT least, we took family pictures today at TJ's mom's house. Craig's daughters Julie and Christie came this weekend and since it is rare for EVERBODY to be together, we decided record this day. We a had a great dinner prepared by Karen and then we spent the rest of the night just spending time together!