The next morning we went on a walk and took these photos. These are some of my favorite photos I've ever taken, I love the light coming through the trees...beautiful!

This past weekend we took our trailer out for its inaugural Stevens Family camping trip. We headed up to a beautiful campground in Big Cottonwood Canyon. It was gorgeous! We got up there Thursday night around 7-ish and TJ and I were just stunned by the colors of the leaves-it was spectacular!! After going through the campground to find the "perfect" spot, we set up camp and went on a walk around, while the boys played on their bikes.

My MIL and cute sister-in-law Janelle, along with my adorable niece Emalee, came up to spend the day with us. We started with a yummy breakfast of tasty's donuts (thanks nelle!!), eggs and O.J. Then we went up to a hike to donut falls..and NO we didn't plan on the similarity between our breakfast and our hike. It was a fun hike, it wasn't too hot and I got some fun pictures too ;)

I took these cute pics of the boys. I love their cute personalities!! They really loved the hike. Drew was pretty much always in the front and Cam was always trying to get people to hold him...he's just a little guy though and it was kind of a long hike!

That night, we had a simple dinner and then roasted marshmallows over the fire. The boys weren't to keen on the smores, but they did LOVE roasted marshallows and the cookies plain. The would NOT eat them together...so funny!
I love this photo of Drew-it's his crazy-cross-eyed-silly boy look.

While we were sitting around the fire, I snapped some photos of the boys, and am PRETTY SURE I'll be hangin' these on my walls! I LOVE these!!

I didn't bother to "photoshop" out the marshmallow and chocolate stuck to his little face, I thought it added to the picture!

Ok, you've probably noticed by now, that I've used a lot of textures and kind of fun, funky processing on these photos. I've been experimenting and really like how these all turned out!

When we put the boys to bed, I took these cute photos of TJ reading to the boys. They both love stories and are usually mesmorized by them.